On Monday Mummy started her new job at the university, she'd been busy preparing for a while. This meant that Monday was Lily's first day at nursery. Luckily Lily is a very social baby and enjoyed playing with all the other children. (Although Lily was the prettiest and the cleverest one)
Last weekend we went to a beautiful wedding in Norfolk. The bride looked stunning, and we were lucky to get a glorious, sunny day.
Auntie Amie has come to stay for a few weeks, so Lily has been getting lots of snuggles. We are all looking forward to Lilys cousin making an appearance soon.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Two exciting firsts.....
On Monday Lily did a very exciting thing, she held her own beaker, and drank out of it. I was so proud of her, she's growing up so fast.
Yesterday, Lily pulled herself up into a sitting position, she fell straight over afterwards though. She's been doing it again this morning, she's really strong.
Yesterday, Lily pulled herself up into a sitting position, she fell straight over afterwards though. She's been doing it again this morning, she's really strong.
Monday, 16 May 2011
Competition Winners......
Lily and I were very excited when we went to the post office to collect a parcel today, we have won a Babyworld competition. We have won three fantastic books. "Millicent and Meer", "How to Grow a Dinosaur" and "Rhinos Don't Eat Pancakes". They are such fantastic books, really big pages covered in colourful pictures, Lily has loved reaching out to touch them.
We had a lovely BBQ for Auntie Tors birthday yesterday and really enjoyed playing with Auntie Tor, Auntie Amie, and Uncle Mike. Us girls went to play on the park, we went on the swings and the slide, Mummy and Auntie Bear played on the climbing frame too.
We had a lovely BBQ for Auntie Tors birthday yesterday and really enjoyed playing with Auntie Tor, Auntie Amie, and Uncle Mike. Us girls went to play on the park, we went on the swings and the slide, Mummy and Auntie Bear played on the climbing frame too.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Lily The Princess.
Lily and I have been very bad bloggers recently, unfortionately we've been very busy exploring lots of new and exciting things, places and people together.
Lily now weighs a whopping 12lbs 3.5ozs, and she looks less like a newborn and more like a baby now. She's started to outgrow some of her 0-3 months clothes and go into some of her 3-6 months so she really is a big girl.
Since I last blogged, we've had Mothers day together, Lily brought me a lovely Tiffanys knecklace that says "Mummy" on it, we've also celebrated Mummys birthday, Grannies birthday, Grandads birthday and Auntie Tors birthday (although we celebrated the latter two in advance). We've been to visit Granny and Grandad in Skegness, and been up to Hartlepool to see Nana and Grandad, and we've spent lots of time with all Lilys Aunties.
Lily has attended her first formal occaison, Marc and Kellys wedding which was a beautiful day, I was so happy that Lily was so well behaved and she even had a boogie with Mummy and Daddy at the disco afterwards.
Lily has progressed alot in the last couple of months. She can now sit up if supported in her donut, and can hold her head for long periods of time, she has recently discovered her hooves and is really enjoying pulling her socks off so she can try to eat them. She is rolling on her own, and is trying really hard to crawl and sit up on her own without success thus far.
Daddy ran the London marathon in 4hours 8mins, Mummy and Lily were very proud, especially of his medal. Mummy and Lily spent the day with Auntie Amie in the park and had lots of fun.
Today was a very big day for Lily, she had her first proper food, she had some porridge, she liked it very much and didn't make as much mess as Mummy and Daddy were expecting.
Overall it's been an exciting time together and there's still lots to see and learn.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Monday 7th March 2011 - Wednesday 9th March 2011
Mummy and Lily had to spend Tuesday in the house waiting for our new cooker to be delivered, it's not good when they say it'll be here between 8am and 6pm.Although actually it gave Mummy an excuse to get some crafting done. Mummy has been crafting lots of scrapbook pages of Lily, we've taken so many pictures of her and she looks beautiful in them all! You will be able to see some of my crafting on my blog Munyip Makes later in the week once I've uploaded the pictures.
Mummy had her 6 week check this week, she got the all clear, Lily goes for hers next week because there were no appointments left for her this week and she has to see a different doctor to Mummy.
Lily has been out for a few walks so that she gets the sun on her, but unfortunately it has been cold most of the time so they've been quick walks. Although we had a warmer afternoon on Wednesday, so Mummy took Lily into the garden for half an hour. Lily loved looking at all the birds we got when Mummy put some bread out.
Mummy had her 6 week check this week, she got the all clear, Lily goes for hers next week because there were no appointments left for her this week and she has to see a different doctor to Mummy.
Lily has been out for a few walks so that she gets the sun on her, but unfortunately it has been cold most of the time so they've been quick walks. Although we had a warmer afternoon on Wednesday, so Mummy took Lily into the garden for half an hour. Lily loved looking at all the birds we got when Mummy put some bread out.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Wednesday 2nd March 2011 - Sunday 6th March 2011
For the rest of the week Mummy and Lily had lots and lots of play time. Lily recieved another book from Ladybird which she really enjoyed reading, she loves it when Mummy and Daddy read her stories in funny voices and make the animal sounds too.
We also went to the park to feed the ducks with Lilys friend Noah, their Mummies had a nice chat and sandwiches in the sun.
Lily got weighed on Thursday, she weighs a whopping 8lbs 13.5ozs. She is growing really fast, but is still quite small as her 0-3 month clothes are still too big for her!!!!
This week Lily has been lifting her head up more and more and is spending more time looking at the world around her.
Mummy and Daddy had a lovely afternoon with Lily on Sunday, we had a walk into town for a look around the shops, a mini picnic and then lots and lots of lovely cuddles with Lily.
We also went to the park to feed the ducks with Lilys friend Noah, their Mummies had a nice chat and sandwiches in the sun.
Lily got weighed on Thursday, she weighs a whopping 8lbs 13.5ozs. She is growing really fast, but is still quite small as her 0-3 month clothes are still too big for her!!!!
This week Lily has been lifting her head up more and more and is spending more time looking at the world around her.
Mummy and Daddy had a lovely afternoon with Lily on Sunday, we had a walk into town for a look around the shops, a mini picnic and then lots and lots of lovely cuddles with Lily.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Tuesday 29th February:
Today we went to a Mummy baby group in the morning. In the afternoon Mummies friend Ben came for a visit and a cup of tea. Lily has started to pull all sorts of different faces now, some of them are quite funny....Monday 28th February:
Lily has a cold, so today we went to the doctors to get her checked out. Poor Lily has been snuffling and sneezing all day! Mummy and Daddy have been giving Lily lots and lots of cuddles so she feels better.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Sunday 27th February 2011 - Day 32:
We had a typical lazy Sunday today. Lots of cuddles on the sofa, and lots of playing with Daddy before he goes back to work tomorrow.
Saturday 26th February 2011 - Day 31:
Auntie Michelle, Uncle Gav and Cole came for a visit today. We went into town and did some shopping, all the summer baby clothes are out so it was really fun to look at all the beautiful things. We went out for a pub lunch and then had a relaxing evening in front of the TV. Lily loved all the attention she got from everyone.
Monday, 28 February 2011
Friday 25th February 2011 - Day 30:
Mummy and Lily looked around the second nursery for Lily today. Mummy liked this one alot. Daddy came home early today so Mummy and Lily got lots of Daddy snuggles.
Thursday 24th February 2011 - Day 29:
Lily and Mummy went to have a look around one of the nurseries where Mummy might take Lily. Then we went to our Mummy and baby group. Lily got weighed today, she weighs 7lb 15oz, she's getting to be a big girl....
Wednesday 23rd February 2011 - Day 28:
Auntie Amie came to visit today, she took Lily and Mummy out for lunch and we spent the day having a stroll around the shops. We picked up some lovely clothes for Lily, including a t-shirt that says "Daddys little princess". It was a lovely day.
Tuesday 22nd February 2011 - Day 27:
Today Lily spent alot of time playing on her playmats. She gripped a rattle all by herself today, and gave her bunny toy a nice big cuddle too.

Monday 21st February 2011 - Day 26:
We had a nice relaxing day today after a hectic weekend. Lily had a nice bath with Mummy and got nice and clean.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Friday 18th, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th February 2011 - Days 23, 24 and 25:
Grandad Shepherd |
Nanny Shepherd |
Thursday 17th February 2011 - Day 22:
Mummy and Lily had a lovely day of play together.We went to our Mummy Baby group, Lily wasn't feeling very sociable today though and just wanted lots of Mummy cuddles. Daddy had lots of snuggles when he came home from work too. Lily had a bath with Mummy today, and she loved kicking her legs about in the water, She's going to love swimming when we take her in a few weeks.....
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Wednesday 16th February 2011 - Day 21:
Mummy and Lily took a little stroll into town, then came home and played all afternoon with Lilys toys and playmats.
Tuesday 15th February 2011 - Day 20:
Mummy and Lily go to a Mummy and Baby group today. Lily seems to like looking at all the other babies. It was nice for Mummy to talk to all the other Mummies about Lily. Got some crafting done today, made Lilys first two scrapbook pages. It's hard to choose which pictures to use, as she looks so cute in all of them. Daddy helped Mummy give Lily a bath tonight too.
Monday 14th February 2011 - Day 19:
Happy Valentines Day! Lily got weighed at the clinic today, she weighs 7lb 8oz, she's growing so fast! She has already outgrown some of her clothes. She's starting to get so much stronger too with her grip and her kicks. Mummy and Lily cook Daddy a nice Valentines day meal, and even have romantic lighting.
Sunday 13th February 2011 - Day 18:
Decided to have a typical lazy Sunday. Lots of relaxing, a nice cassarole, a film. Lily got lots of cuddles from Mummy and Daddy today too
Saturday 12th February 2011 - Day 17:
Auntie Amie and Auntie Victoria came round today to craft Auntie Victorias wedding invitations. Lily was a big help and even glued some of the Hatters on...... Auntie Amie made a fabulous chocolate cake as a treat for Mummy and Auntie Victoria made a lovely afternoon tea. The invitations looked fantastic in the end, and we had a lovely day together.
Friday 11th February 2011 - Day 16:
Lily and Mummy went into town today to do some shopping. Mummy found the most amazing curtains for Lily's nursery. They are blue check with elephants on, Lily loves them. Lily made a new friend in Marks and Spencers, he's called Noah, so Mummy and Noahs Mummy went for a coffee and a chat. What a lovely relaxing afternoon.
Thursday 10th February 2011 - Day 15:
Today Lily read her first book with Mummy and Daddy. It was called Peek-A-Zoo. Lily liked the funny voices that Mummy made the animals talk in. Daddy then read Who's feet are these too, Lily guessed them all correctly.....
Mummy and Lily took a little stroll into town, then came home and played all afternoon with Lilys toys and playmats.
Tuesday 15th February 2011 - Day 20:
Mummy and Lily go to a Mummy and Baby group today. Lily seems to like looking at all the other babies. It was nice for Mummy to talk to all the other Mummies about Lily. Got some crafting done today, made Lilys first two scrapbook pages. It's hard to choose which pictures to use, as she looks so cute in all of them. Daddy helped Mummy give Lily a bath tonight too.
Monday 14th February 2011 - Day 19:
Happy Valentines Day! Lily got weighed at the clinic today, she weighs 7lb 8oz, she's growing so fast! She has already outgrown some of her clothes. She's starting to get so much stronger too with her grip and her kicks. Mummy and Lily cook Daddy a nice Valentines day meal, and even have romantic lighting.
Sunday 13th February 2011 - Day 18:
Decided to have a typical lazy Sunday. Lots of relaxing, a nice cassarole, a film. Lily got lots of cuddles from Mummy and Daddy today too
Saturday 12th February 2011 - Day 17:
Auntie Amie and Auntie Victoria came round today to craft Auntie Victorias wedding invitations. Lily was a big help and even glued some of the Hatters on...... Auntie Amie made a fabulous chocolate cake as a treat for Mummy and Auntie Victoria made a lovely afternoon tea. The invitations looked fantastic in the end, and we had a lovely day together.
Friday 11th February 2011 - Day 16:
Lily and Mummy went into town today to do some shopping. Mummy found the most amazing curtains for Lily's nursery. They are blue check with elephants on, Lily loves them. Lily made a new friend in Marks and Spencers, he's called Noah, so Mummy and Noahs Mummy went for a coffee and a chat. What a lovely relaxing afternoon.
Thursday 10th February 2011 - Day 15:
Today Lily read her first book with Mummy and Daddy. It was called Peek-A-Zoo. Lily liked the funny voices that Mummy made the animals talk in. Daddy then read Who's feet are these too, Lily guessed them all correctly.....
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Wednesday 9th February 2011- Day 14:
Today Lily decided to wear her new jeggings and Ugg boots, Mummy thinks she looks like a real cutie!
Then Mummy, Daddy and Lily went out for a nice long walk, it was much sunnier today. We went to the park and saw the lakes, some ducks and some swans.
My life so far.....
Tuesday 8th February 2011- Day 13:
Mummy, Daddy and Lily go for a very long walk today because the sun had come out, Lily loves going out in her pram. We joined a childcare centre so we can go to Mummy, baby groups and go to classes together.
Monday 7th February 2011- Day 12:
Inspired by her Disney film yesterday, Lily wears her Minnie Mouse dress today, she loves Disney very much. Lily and Mummy are left on their own for the first time as Daddy had to pop to work, we missed him many.
Sunday 6th February 2011- Day 11:
Auntie Michelle, Uncle Gav, Cole and Nana spend the day with Lily. Cole draws Lily a lovely picture and learns how to spell her name. Lily gets weighed by the midwife today- she weighs 6lb 15ozs. She’s a big girl now! Lily sits with Mummy and Daddy and watches her first Disney film, Mulan, Lily liked it very much.
Saturday 5th February 2011- Day 10:
Mummy and Daddy take Lily to Auntie Amies house this morning to deliver her birthday presents. Amie has bought Lily some leopard print Ugg boots. Auntie Bear comes to visit for the afternoon and brings Lily some story books to read. Auntie Michelle, Uncle Gav and Cole come to visit Lily with even more presents - she’s been a very lucky girl today. Lecky pops in for a quick snuggle too.
Friday 4th February 2011- Day 9:
Today Lily went to the registery office to register her birth- it’s very exciting, now she is officially Lily Grace Crossman. Lily had her first bath tonight, at first she was a little unsure and cried a lot but was soon laughing whilst Mummy and Daddy splashed her. Lily helps Mummy beat Daddy at monopoly today.
Thursday 3rd February 2011- Day 8:
Today is Auntie Amies birthday, Lily has bought her a present and is visiting the craft cupboard for a card. Lily was a very good girl and settled through the night so Mummy and Daddy got some sleep. Lily spends lots of time playing on her playmats, and with Jeffrey and co (her teddies).
Wednesday 2nd February 2011- Day 7:
We all went out for another walk together today, and registered Mummy and Lily at the doctors. Lily played on her new princess playmat today (thanks Auntie Tor and Uncle Mike), her favourite creature is the turtle.
Tuesday 1st February 2011- Day 6:
Mummy and Daddy take Lily shopping, we go to Toys R Us/ Babbies R Us, Hobbycraft, Mothercare and Tescos. Daddy carried Lily in her car seat. Everyone who sees Lily comments on how beautiful she is! Lilys cord fell out tonight, Lily didn’t like it. Lily gets weighed again, she weighs 6lb 10oz. Lily has a cuddle with Daddy on the sofa and watches her first football match, Sunderland v Chelsea. Sunderland lost 2-4.…..
Monday 31st January 2011- Day 5:
Lily goes for her first walk in the pram today with Mummy and Daddy. Lily fell to sleep straight away and likes the rocking movement. Lily laughed at Mummy tonight, Mummy was telling jokes about Daddy.
Sunday 30th January 2011- Day 4:
Lily’s nursery gets decorated today (thanks Granny). She has a safari theme with lots of elephants and giraffes. Lily gets lots of cuddles from her new family. Grandad Brierley buys Lily a giant elephant, we’ve called him Jeffrey, Lily likes to stroke his soft hoof. Pete comes for a visit and buys Lily some new baby grows to wear.
Saturday 29th January 2011- Day 3:
Today is Daddies birthday. Mummy learnt how to breastfeed today and Lily had her first Mummy milk. Mummy and Daddy took Lily home from hospital in the car. Granny and Grandad Brierley and Nana and Granda Crossman meet Lily, Lily has got lots of wonderful presents, and is now officially a Disney baby!
Friday 28th January 2011- Day 2:
Auntie Amie and Auntie Victoria come to meet Lily at the hospital. They bought her lots of beautiful clothes, and Humphrey her new elephant. Mummy and Daddy are learning how to feed, change and burp Lily. Mummy and Daddy discover Lily loves getting hoof rubs
Thursday 27th January 2011- Day 1:
Lily Grace Crossman was born today at 20:02 at the QEII hospital in Welwyn Garden City. She weighs 6lb 13oz, has Mummies blue/grey eyes, and Daddies lips and chin. She is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.
Mummy, Daddy and Lily go for a very long walk today because the sun had come out, Lily loves going out in her pram. We joined a childcare centre so we can go to Mummy, baby groups and go to classes together.
Monday 7th February 2011- Day 12:
Inspired by her Disney film yesterday, Lily wears her Minnie Mouse dress today, she loves Disney very much. Lily and Mummy are left on their own for the first time as Daddy had to pop to work, we missed him many.
Sunday 6th February 2011- Day 11:
Auntie Michelle, Uncle Gav, Cole and Nana spend the day with Lily. Cole draws Lily a lovely picture and learns how to spell her name. Lily gets weighed by the midwife today- she weighs 6lb 15ozs. She’s a big girl now! Lily sits with Mummy and Daddy and watches her first Disney film, Mulan, Lily liked it very much.
Saturday 5th February 2011- Day 10:
Mummy and Daddy take Lily to Auntie Amies house this morning to deliver her birthday presents. Amie has bought Lily some leopard print Ugg boots. Auntie Bear comes to visit for the afternoon and brings Lily some story books to read. Auntie Michelle, Uncle Gav and Cole come to visit Lily with even more presents - she’s been a very lucky girl today. Lecky pops in for a quick snuggle too.
Friday 4th February 2011- Day 9:
Today Lily went to the registery office to register her birth- it’s very exciting, now she is officially Lily Grace Crossman. Lily had her first bath tonight, at first she was a little unsure and cried a lot but was soon laughing whilst Mummy and Daddy splashed her. Lily helps Mummy beat Daddy at monopoly today.
Thursday 3rd February 2011- Day 8:
Today is Auntie Amies birthday, Lily has bought her a present and is visiting the craft cupboard for a card. Lily was a very good girl and settled through the night so Mummy and Daddy got some sleep. Lily spends lots of time playing on her playmats, and with Jeffrey and co (her teddies).
Wednesday 2nd February 2011- Day 7:
We all went out for another walk together today, and registered Mummy and Lily at the doctors. Lily played on her new princess playmat today (thanks Auntie Tor and Uncle Mike), her favourite creature is the turtle.
Tuesday 1st February 2011- Day 6:
Mummy and Daddy take Lily shopping, we go to Toys R Us/ Babbies R Us, Hobbycraft, Mothercare and Tescos. Daddy carried Lily in her car seat. Everyone who sees Lily comments on how beautiful she is! Lilys cord fell out tonight, Lily didn’t like it. Lily gets weighed again, she weighs 6lb 10oz. Lily has a cuddle with Daddy on the sofa and watches her first football match, Sunderland v Chelsea. Sunderland lost 2-4.…..
Monday 31st January 2011- Day 5:
Lily goes for her first walk in the pram today with Mummy and Daddy. Lily fell to sleep straight away and likes the rocking movement. Lily laughed at Mummy tonight, Mummy was telling jokes about Daddy.
Sunday 30th January 2011- Day 4:
Lily’s nursery gets decorated today (thanks Granny). She has a safari theme with lots of elephants and giraffes. Lily gets lots of cuddles from her new family. Grandad Brierley buys Lily a giant elephant, we’ve called him Jeffrey, Lily likes to stroke his soft hoof. Pete comes for a visit and buys Lily some new baby grows to wear.
Saturday 29th January 2011- Day 3:
Today is Daddies birthday. Mummy learnt how to breastfeed today and Lily had her first Mummy milk. Mummy and Daddy took Lily home from hospital in the car. Granny and Grandad Brierley and Nana and Granda Crossman meet Lily, Lily has got lots of wonderful presents, and is now officially a Disney baby!
Friday 28th January 2011- Day 2:
Auntie Amie and Auntie Victoria come to meet Lily at the hospital. They bought her lots of beautiful clothes, and Humphrey her new elephant. Mummy and Daddy are learning how to feed, change and burp Lily. Mummy and Daddy discover Lily loves getting hoof rubs
Thursday 27th January 2011- Day 1:
Lily Grace Crossman was born today at 20:02 at the QEII hospital in Welwyn Garden City. She weighs 6lb 13oz, has Mummies blue/grey eyes, and Daddies lips and chin. She is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.
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